Louise Green 

Chair and Parade Co-ordinator

Beth Lear

Vice Chair/ Field Co-ordinator

Amy Dickinson


Allana Farquhar


Chloe Green

Committee Member

Jon Green

Committee Member

Bev Howard

Programme Creator

Rebekah Parker

Committee Member

Craig Williams

Committee Member

Kate Williams

Committee Member

Jon Edge

Committee Member

Cerion Williams

Committee Member

Tom Bateson

Committee Member

Helen Heath

Committee Member


Abuse of our committee members and volunteers of any form, physical or verbal, whether it be on the day, through digital communication, or any method will not be tolerated and criminal action may be taken. All of our staff work closely with the police both on the day and in the build up to the event. Threats of violence towards committee members and volunteers are also taken seriously.

The Wem Carnival committee is a small but steady committee who’s members have changed very little over the last few years which we hope says a lot in itself. We work well together and have a core of extra helpers around us to help with things such as fundraising throughout the year and some who just help as extra with marshalling etc over the carnival weekend.

We are always grateful for extra help as this is a very busy and full on event which is a lot of work for one day but as they say ‘every little helps’ as we need all the help we can get.

You do not need to come to our monthly meetings which are at the Wem Scout and Guide Headquarters on the second Monday but can offer to go on our help list for times when you are needed. Then again if you think you can give time to join our Committee please come.

Jobs that need help start with admin work like website updating, photo taking, programme production, and contact with parade and stall participants booking in.

Other jobs are selling cakes, raffle tickets and duck race entries to fundraise.

Then we have marshalling, setting up the carnival field, putting out signs, putting up flags and bunting (and taking it down), litter picking and money counting.

These are the things that spring to mind that you could help with to keep Wem Carnival going.


Join the team

If you would like to contact us regarding volunteering or joining the committee please don’t hesitate to contact by emailing  info@wemcarnival.co.uk

or Click the button below